Workshop: Evaluation of protocols for the acoustics of urban green spaces: expert feedback

On the morning of the 28th of April, you are cordially invited to walk with us through various urban green spaces in Zurich with the intention of assessing such spaces with a focus on their acoustic quality using various existing methods. At the end of the tour, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods for different applications and conclude with a kind of SWOT analysis. Don’t miss this opportunity to mingle and discuss acoustics, the sites visited, the assessment methods and the results.

On 30 April (Swiss Noise Awareness Day!) in the plenary session, we will present the visited sites in pictures and 3D sound recordings (5.1.2) to all symposium participants and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the assessment methods used.

Target group:

Everybody! Feel free to invite your colleagues.


  •  28th April – morning: excursion through green spaces in Zürich: listen, assess and compare methods.
  • 30th April – during the USS25: presentation of the results (assessment and recordings) and discussion about the findings.


Click the workshop attendance option in the general registration form.

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